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2 Months To Go

chicago summer morning

And now we are getting into the big numbers.  With only two months to go until the marathon the weekly mileage and the long runs have definitely jumped up well beyond our normal numbers.  We just finished our 15 mile run which was the longest single run of my life to date. 

We have pretty much adjusted to getting out of bed early but we still are terrible at getting to bed early enough through out the week to keep rested.  Maybe terrible is harsh, we are going to bed earlier than our normal pre-training schedule but not enough to get eight hours of sleep... and I am the type of person who needs to get enough sleep or I just can't keep my energy up.

It is pretty awesome though to start at the upper end of the north side and run all the way down to museum park and back... talk about covering a lot of ground!  Even if I was dying in the last mile.  Every week once we hit the final 2 mile section I start to fizzle out... except for the week of the 12 mile run, that is still my best run (based on how I felt during and at the final stretch). But that awesome run was one we did on Sunday (due to rain storms on Saturday) and I was able to decompress from the week so I think that might have something to do with it.

Other tid bits from our training as of lately:

  • There has been a major run on women's singlets.  I have been trying to get one for a couple of weeks but every running store is out of them except for the XL size.  Seriously, they must need an inventory management consultant.  I am going to have to move to online shopping (so much for giving my $$ to the local guys!)
  • Not only have I run the highest weekly mileage to date, I have also swallowed the most suicidal gnats this summer in my life.  It really grosses me out.  The neighborhood streets are the place for this to happen.  Stinkin bugs need to move on to another neighborhood.
  • Dan gets cranky if I ask him the distance to often, as in at all.
  • Cytomax is less sugary than Gatorade.  
  • I really hate the ad that BoA has put up on that building just off the Kennedy that is designated as marathon ad space.  I really liked the ads that LaSalle did the last year before they were bought out and to be honest it kind of bugs me that the year I am finally doing this the ads/branding is so bad.  Maybe that is a little self-centered, but I want to relate to the full experience.  And ugly/bad branding/advertising makes me annoyed in general.
  • There are benefits of working close to the banking industry...  I get Columbus Day off as it is a bank holiday... and it falls on the day after the marathon.  Yay!

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