Entries in pregnancy (28)


39 weeks

This was my last week in the office.  And my last week of commuting and being a loop worker.  I have been working downtown for ages, it was really weird on Friday to have that part of my life ending. I had a phenominal (if I do say so myself) performance review this week so I guess at least I am ending it on such a positive note... but we will see how things go in September.

Almost every day this week a stranger told me I look like I am going to pop.  Gee, thanks! But honestly, I don't see how there can be any more room for the little one.  My belly button cannot stretch even the tiniest bit more at this point.

So that is about all I have to say about this week.  39 weeks and pretty much ready to be done with pregnancy.  Don't get me wrong, I have enjoyed this experience but right now I feel more like I am just waiting than anything.  Waiting isn't necessarily something I do well... I like to keep moving, get to the next point.  So, I am trying to keep positive that this might be the week.


38 weeks

Still preggo.  Getting more comments from strangers every week - usually middle aged men, always pretty nice.  No random strangers have touched my belly and I am glad. 

I have been busier than ever at work with people trying to squeeze business cases and community launches and whatever they can get out of me before my leave starts.  The fact that little is transitioned because I am busy trying to finish up these items causes more work related stress than I was expecting to have at this point.

Sweet tooth is out of control (old fashioned glazed donuts, brownies, ice cream, berries are my favorite selections this week).  Have been nesting (folding diapers at 11pm counts as nesting I assume).  The famous Braxton Hicks appeared at the end of week 37 - Thursday evening they started and have been going ever since. My belly is so big and low that it is hard to sit very lady like or comfortably... And it is increasingly hard to get dressed causing at least one break down about wanting to wear normal clothes again.  At least it seems as though my growth has slowed down, my weight has gone up and down with the same 2 lbs in the past three weeks.

The thought of still being pregnant July 18th (the date my OB would induce if still preggo at that point) makes me a very pessimistic one with thoughts about how those practice contractions mean nothing and can go on for weeks at this point.  But that negative attitude certainly wasn't helped with the heat last week- holy grossness, it was 95-98 degrees the day we snapped this photo.  

So... any time you are ready, baby. 

At least we got to spend the weekend with Dan... that was a nice last minute visit.  The whole family missed him and was in need of the visit.  Granted, the visit was filled with packing and getting ready for the move but that makes for quality time.


37 weeks

And the baby is officially full term.  Let the waiting game begin!  They say the baby can hear you, so I might start telling it every so often that it is time to join the world and time to learn google calendar so we can find a date that works for all three of us.

Still feeling good overall but I am definitely hitting limits that I would have found comical in the past - I can't believe how a long walk can completely wear me out.  Mentally checked out of work but hanging in there for two more weeks and I will then work from home... which might be more trying than being in the office. 

Oh and my clothes have hit limits too... it is the most frustrating thing to have to keep pulling your shorts up and your shirt down so that you aren't exposing your enormous baby-house-belly (Ray, is that a better fit than bump!?)!  If they put pockets in dresses I would be set (need pockets for keys and bags on dog walks- come on clothing designers, think usability!).

I am getting asked a bazillion times a day (slight exaggeration) when my due date is... one middle aged guy told me he didn't think I would make it that long.  At this point I am game for a June arrival so I let that one slide.  Dan asks me everyday if I am having contractions.

This weekend I packed a couple of boxes and chuckled when I remembered that back when we moved into this place I was in the first part of the second trimester and commented on how glad I was that we moved before it got any later in the pregnancy... and here we are, packing with a much bigger belly.  But I am okay with that.  In fact I am completely ready to get to the point where the truck is being loaded as I am ready to start our northeast adventures.

It has felt like this pregnancy has completely flown by.  But when looking back to when we first found out and various milestones like the 20 week ultrasound - we have come a long ways.  While I know I very likely have at least several weeks left it seems appropriate due to the full term milestone to talk about it now,  this pregnancy has truly been a great experience.  It has been very positive and healthy- I couldn't ask for a better first pregnancy.  I am happy that Dan and I waited until we were ready to have a family and that we have had so many great experiences together as just a couple with dogs.  Our life is already forever changed but I think we are ready for what is next.  It will be fun... there will be trying times and mistakes for sure but I believe there will be a whole lot of good times in this parenting adventure we are about to embark on.  Once we get past this final waiting period.


36 weeks

This week we installed the car seat and went to the labor and delivery class at the hospital.  That class and my 36 week doctor appointment confirmed that it was an excellent decision to stay put for delivery and that I ended up finding an awesome doctor.  The class was pretty good and informative... it definitely helped make all of this real for Daniel.  It might have freaked him out a little bit but I appreciated that he now was ready to talk about some of the decisions that I needed to talk through with him for the big day.  The video of them putting in an epidural did nothing to make me more comfortable with it... I think I am more freaked out by the epidural than the actual delivery aspect.  Anyways.

The dogs and I have been on a steady walk routine.  20+ minute walks three times a day and I also have my commute and lunch time walks.  The walking feels good and hopefully baby is getting the hint that eviction notice time is going to be coming soon.  I am still walking at near my usual pace - had a couple of comments this week from coworkers on how fast I am walking around the office... what they don't see is how hard it is getting to focus on work while at my desk.  Oy.

I have moved on from the "but you don't even look pregnant yet" and "you are so tiny" comments to the "due any day now I see" and "how are the twins".  Great.   At least my doctor was nice to me this week by saying that it is all baby.  And I hadn't gained any weight since my 34 week appt.  Dr also is guessing that the kid will be in the low 7 lb range.  That works for me.

The kid is still very active and definitely has some patterns.  I am still sleeping pretty good.  I do wake up more often, probably between 2-4 times, but I almost immediately fall back asleep... I think the nightlight in the bathroom helps as I don't turn on any lights so basically am sleep walking.  My biggest complaints these days center around not know when this kid will arrive (drives me nuts), that my face spots instead of tanning, and that my lower back gets tired.

After hearing about the nesting thing at the class, Dan decided that I have started nesting.  I still will leave the sink full of dishes and clothes to be folded can sit forever (especially with Dan not here to be the cleaning boss...).  But I have gotten pretty preoccupied with making sure we have everything we need.  A final order of the basics has been placed and I spent way to much time thinking through what we have and what we need for baby's first weeks before placing that order.  Knowing that we are moving and thus I can't set up a nursery or stock the freezer with meals has me redirecting that to the things that I can do... like order more diapers.

We are getting there... bit by bit. 


35 weeks

This week a lady at work stopped me in the hall and asked if I was already dropping as the bump looked lower than the day before... my response was "I don't know!"  So I have been thinking about it every since trying to decide if it has or not.  By Saturday I decided that I think the baby just might be starting to drop based on slight changes in the shape of the bump (that maybe only I can tell), the fact that I can feel the mid/upper part of my ribs again, that the bump now rest on legs when I sit in certain chairs and makes it hard to bend over now, how my clothes fit, and the movements are hitting in different spots.  Maybe I am thinking to much about this.  Either way, we are getting close!

Oh you noticed in that huge paragraph that the fit of my clothes has started to be a predicament?  Well, my jeans are no longer an option.  I was cursing that demi panel on Friday as it kept rolling down and making me nervous about flashing my belly.  So they are being put away and if it really has to get down to 50 degrees again on a Friday before the baby comes I will just have to work from home on account of wardrobe malfunction.

The car seat is ordered and will hopefully arrive before or while Dan is here to get installed.  The crib is not in stock anywhere but we have an order in with the place that listed the earliest date (6/11).  The rock n play is here but needs Dan's muscles to put it together.  Most of the baby clothes that we have received over the past couple of weeks have been washed but not yet folded.  We are getting there.

At this point the baby's organs and systems are hopefully pretty much developed and we are just in growth mode.  I know by know that my body will adjust as needed for these last few weeks but damn - I don't know that my belly can stretch much more!   With Dan working away in the East Coast, the dogs have been keeping me out walking to help prevent baby from causing my rear to grow any more than it has already.

I still feel really good.  But am going to admit that I hope the next couple of weeks fly by.  I am ready for the next chapter to start.


34 weeks

Apparently we have hit a milestone.  At the 34 DR appointment my doctor was very excited to say that we are at the 34 week milestone of "if anything happens they won't stop labor."  In just three weeks we will be at full term.  Woah!

Last week I forgot to mention that I noticed hiccups for the first time.  I saw them before feeling them as my bump was moving in the rhythm of hiccups.  I have noticed them a couple more times since then.  Movement is still very frequent but now is more often squirming than kicking.  When my doctor was measuring the bump at my appointment the kid decided to stick its rear out to one side (this is a frequent movement that makes my bump look crazy distorted) and both the dr and Dan got big eyes and were all entertained. 

I have had a bit of heartburn which is not cool and am waking up more often during the night.  I haven't noticed any braxton hicks contractions.  Still overall pretty comfortable but less able to keep up a solid pace all day long and my back gets tired by the end of the day.

We had a really stressful, over-programmed week of selling stuff and showing the apartment.  By Friday morning I was completely done, as in at breakdown point and in need of some major relaxing.  Our weekend visit to the farm was just what we both needed - peaceful and restful.  My family probably thinks we are major bums now as all we did was lounge around.  It was fun to see everyone and be there if even for only a short time. 

I made Dan try on the baby carrier the day it arrived from Pam and Matt and then he decided that he had to really test it out with Shelby... She was surprisingly game for this and likely could get quite used to being carried around.

Fun Daniel things from this week... It was pretty funny to walk into the waiting room after signing in for my Dr appointment to find him reading an article for dads in Fit Pregnancy.  Joking back and forth with my doctor he went one to far and said "oh is that the line?"  On the drive back from my parents' farm he let me know that he finds my belly button hilarious and that I apparently entertain him by walking around with a belly button bump on the bump.  Dan likes to give the baby 'butt smacks' - the kid responds with squirming.

We are starting the stretch of this move adventure where Dan is in NYC without me.  I am not going to lie, I totally put up a front of "this is no big deal" when dropping him off at the airport.  I am used to having my husband here and the next two weeks can't go fast enough.  The dogs agree, they sat by the stairs at the main entrance waiting for him to come up after I got home.  But- it is very exciting to start the search for our next home this week. 

During my commute this week I had a thought pop into my head that this baby will not be late but likely will be a little early.  No idea why but I was pretty convinced.  Of course I have zero "mothers intuition" about what the gender is so I seriously doubt the ability to call such a thing as timing but who knows.


33 weeks

Much of this week was spent trying to figure out the best approach for the move.  It is definitely the more complicated move with a baby due in such a short period of time but I think we are getting a plan figured out that will work for all five of us.  And as much I have really liked our current apartment and was excited about the increase in space... I think it will be awesome to go back to having one floor!  Especially after the baby is here.

The baby must have had a growth spurt this week.  Dan always lets me know that my bump is huge but right after a growth spurt I get wide- eyed exclamation about how it is really huge.  Last night Dan was caught by surprise at the size of the baby house and stated that it had grown over the past couple of days.  This morning he reminded me that the bump is half his. 

We had a really awesome date night this week.  We went to a farm dinner at an intimate restaurant down the street and then walked home in the beginning of a rain shower with the last bit of sunset light.  Every course was really good and according to Dan the wine pairings were also really good.   Dan's favorite was the soft shell crab with peppered bacon, arugula and tomato marmalade.  My favorite was the smoked pork loin with rhubarb mint relish and grits.  I can't help but think about how date nights will forever be different... it has already started of course with me not being able to drink and next of course will be the need for a babysitter.

It is hard to believe that in just four weeks this baby will be full term, it wasn't that long ago that we were starting all baby-related sentences with "if this baby sticks".