Entries in pregnancy (28)


19 weeks

This weekend as we were painting our new place I commented to Dan that this is the place where we will bring home our baby.  It is crazy to think about how much will change in another 21+ weeks.  And seriously crazy to think about how close we are getting... almost half way.

Pretty quiet week otherwise.  Baby kicks are pretty frequent and getting stronger.  I chatted with my mom over email about a baby blanket that she is going to crochet for the nursery - I am really excited about that blanket as I think it is going to be awesome.  And I definitely need maternity clothes now... it is a very sad sight to see me try to pull off my normal running pants and the work pants are just not very comfortable.  I haven't delayed getting maternity clothes out of pride but rather from a general zero interest in going shopping (these are things I will need to try on and can't just rely on knowing what fits for online shopping).

We have started to check into childcare options... might need a second job to pay for it! :)  I also got the full details on maternity leave - at least I will still have a job!?!  But also was giving the opportunity to do the marketing strategy for another product and received some great/promising feedback so trying to think long term.

Friday is the big ultrasound... I am really curious as to the gender.  Not so I can plan the nursery or buy gender specific clothes... I am very content with a gender-neutral nursery and newborn wardrobe.  (That gender neutral baby gear will be handy if there is a baby number 2 of the opposite sex.)  But more for when thinking about the baby.  To say he or she.  To focus our name discussions.  All that said - still fully committed to being team green until meeting this kid. 


18 weeks & kicks

There were two major things this last week.  One - we moved.  Two - I felt full on baby kicks.

I am not sure if I am just getting old or if it was due to pregnancy but this move was extremely tiring. We started packing right away the first of January - a few boxes every couple of days.  But the last week was still a ton of work.  Constantly bending over with a small baby belly sucks.  I did get a break from packing by going out for a nice long brunch while Dan worked on some of the heavy lifting.  And I am really glad that we moved when we did and didn't wait until April 1st as I imagine it would have been even less fun at that point.  Anyways - glad it is over!  Now on to getting to work on the baby room...

While at work I felt full on- the real deal baby kicks.  I was caught by surprise and at first thought maybe it was something else until a few more kicks came along to wipe out any doubt.  These kicks followed a few swedish fish - baby likes candy.  I feel the kicks when I am sitting still and sometimes when I wake up during the night.

Side note - looking forward to being settled into our new place as taking these photos has been really challenging with boxes and crap everywhere.


17 weeks

This week I officially felt the baby moving.  A couple of times in the recent weeks I thought maybe it was the baby but wasn't sure.  This week (around half way through 16 weeks) it was definitely baby fluttering around.  I only notice it when I am sitting quietly and am not too distracted to be aware.  I think that Dan is jealous that he can't feel the baby move yet.  ;)

Also people at work are starting to notice... they are asking my boss and the analyst that reports to me... it is weird. 

The baby stuff buying is slow but steady.  A couple of cute gray and white chevron and stripes onesies and diapers with celery dots.  Cloth diaper covers are so cute.

Still not a lot of crazy cravings.  I did want donuts which is unusual but otherwise just normal eating.  But I am pretty nuts about making sure there are enough fruits & veggies in my daily diet... more from a being healthy standpoint than a craving.

This week I commented to Dan about how much of a switch it is for me to be so absolutely diligent about taking my vitamins.  A couple years ago I couldn't stand taking vitamins (every kind upset my stomach).  Last winter I finally found a brand that I could take without side effects but still would forget often.  Now I never miss one.

Very glad that we are moving at this point in the pregnancy rather than if we had waited for March 31st.  My energy is really good and the belly isn't so big to make packing boxes uncomfortable.  Unpacking should be interesting since although the movers will get the boxes in it will be up to Dan to get the moved around to different floors as needed.

Also, we sent in a RSVP for a wedding in April - dancing should be interesting as I will be a good 6 months preggo at that time.


16 weeks

Oh baby, I hope you don't inherit my math sense.  Apparently just counting by the day of the week is not quite including all of the days so when I heard them say 16 weeks 2 days at my appointment this Friday I was suprised as I thought it was 15 weeks 6 days.  Doh!

We have a four week wait until the big ultrasound appointment.  I am wondering if I will be able to sit there for the hour without getting antsy- wow that is a long time.

This week we purchased a dresser-changing table for the baby room.  I had been scouting out options and came across a simple, vintage-ish dresser on sale.  It needs a little work... but Dan was just saying that he wants to do another furniture restoring project so now we have one. 

We met up with Darren and Lisa for dinner this week and it was funny how the conversation was weighted quite heavily on baby names (not by us I might add!) instead of things like motorcycle racing

Dan's 2 Cents:
Nothing makes you realize you are grownup like waiting for your wife's OB doctor to come in.  Seated in the chair staring at my slightly pregnant wife seated on the exam chair you begin to realize that even at 32 you feel so unprepared for what lies ahead.  You also hope that the kid is nothing like what I put my parents through cause that would be unfair...to me.  When the doctor comes in (only a few min late...not bad for a doctor) and she puts some Star Treky thing to listen to the baby's heartbeat you feel slightly queezy but not in a too much tequila way.  The parasite is becoming more human like everyday and soon we'll have a little boy or girl to share the rest of life's adventures with.  Also they can do the dishes...sweet.  As the baby is on track and doing great, I left the office knowing Tara and I will be able to handle it and just like the baby's parents...she/he will be awesome.


15 weeks

Everything seems to be going smooth in babyland.  The baby house is definitely growing.  And it is fun to have people know. 

It was really a very awkward thing to tell my boss.  In general I keep my personal life separate from work and this is at the top of the list of what I would consider personal.  That and I very much want to avoid being mommy tracked.  It might be 2012 but that is still a reality.  Thus far he has been great about it and the CEO is really happy for me- she shared her experience of the first time telling a boss, she was yelled at.  At least to date everyone I have told at work (that is also only three people!) seems genuinely happy for me. 

When I am standing (and sitting straight) right at my belly button you can feel that it is hard- without telling Dan what to expect I had him feel it... it was entertaining as he was like "what is that!"  I seem to be lucking out in the skin and hair area as my skin is clearer than normal and my hair gets less greasy - both are slightly improved which I am happy about.

During week 13 one morning on the way to work I checked my email on my phone to pass time while waiting for the bus and there was an email from Dan.  He had sent me a few things he wants to get for the baby.  This included super hero onesies, a bazinga onesie, and a 'nom nom nom' bib.  It was really cute and they made me laugh.  They were classic Dan selections.

We have also started to talk about names.  Interesting enough this has been initiated by Dan.  He randomly sends me text message saying "What about ___ as the name?"  Also very cute.  We have a few names that we were both in agreement on adding to the list.  I am vetoing any name that clearly comes from a sci-fi type of show origin.  Boy names are definitely harder to come up with.

At week 14 I had my second official craving (the first was when I had Dan go out just for OJ in the first trimester- I now keep that stocked).  I didn't really think it was a craving but Dan insisted it was one.  We went for a hike and I came up with the idea of getting a blizzard.  An oreo one to be specific.  The DQ near the hiking trail was closed for the winter and so I was looking up locations trying to find one near us... but neither of us wanted to deal with the traffic of going to Southport or Armitage so I started to come up with alternatives.  As I was talking through my options (settled on getting vanilla ice cream and oreos to crush up at the grocery store) Dan looked at me like I was nuts and said "for the record this qualifies as a craving."  I tried to dispute but apparently I never strategize how to get a specific treat quite like that normally. 

Running is still going well.  I love it as I always feel really strong after a run.  One of my goals set in the first week for this pregnancy was to run a race.  I was planning to do the Shamrock Shuffle but we will be in Belize that weekend.  I have been coming up with zero on races that will happen before it will likely be too late.  But this weekend I just might have found a race that will work.  It is April 1st and a 10k.  I am waiting till mid-March to see how I am doing before registering.

Some of my normal clothes still fit but some do not.  This week I purchased a few maternity tshirts.  My tshirts were getting ratty as it was so I had to get something and regular tshirts fit pretty poorly - I just look lumpy and pudgy.  I also purchased the first item of clothing for the little one.  A body suit with a gray zebra and "I'm wild about daddy" in chartreuse.  There is not a lot of gender neutral stuff out there so I will probably start to just pick up the cute stuff when I see it.

I have decided that I am going to try to record little things from the pregnancy on this blog each week.  I tend to get behind with blogging but hopefully can keep it updated as I want to record things like Dan emailing about the ThinkGeek onesies and bibs.  My initial plan was to do updates every 5 weeks but I think that some of the small stuff will get missed in larger updates.  Expect lots of randomness.


First Trimester Musings

On November 18th I had the first ultrasound and heard the heartbeat.  It started to become real.

We tried to keep the pregnancy a secret and not tell anyone... but I think it was too hard for Dan.  I wanted to wait until my next Dr appointment to really be in the clear of any chances of this baby not sticking.  So we kept quiet during thanksgiving and at birthday parties and brunch clubs and even holiday parties.  While I might not have had a bump to hide, it is really challenging to find a dress that is flattering at about 10 weeks as my belly was certainly not flat anymore.  We didn't tell anyone until we were almost through week 11 - even if a few friends had guessed by that point.

Right around the 10 week point it became quite clear that I was getting a little preggo belly.  I was in yoga pants and a sweater standing in the kitchen, getting stuff of the pantry shelf for dinner, when Dan stopped in his tracks and did a long double take on his way to take the dogs out potty.  So, I am expecting to have a huge bump with this pregnancy. 

{10 weeks 6 days - maybe the draping/knot across the waist wasn't as helpful at minimizing as I thought it would be...}

And might I say, that I think I have previously been way to hard on myself regarding my weight and body.  Now that I clearly have something extra in my midsection I finally realize that it was quite flat and tone before becoming pregnant. :)

At my Dr appointment on the 19th I heard the heartbeat again.  My Dr said that it was very unlikely that she would be able to hear it with the doppler thingy before starting but there it was as clear and strong as can be.  Of course I laughed which messed up the doppler thingy.  And now it was time to tell people.  Announcing that you are pregnant has to be one of the stranger things to say.  I am completely excited and comfortable with being pregnant yet it is weird to say it.

The first trimester went well.  I think.  I had only the slightest hint of nausea in about week six when I didn't eat breakfast before leaving the house.  As long as I ate breakfast before heading out and had a snacks periodically I was fine.  The el train was quite unpleasant sometimes.  I normally have a strong sense of smell and of course it is super-sized right now... the mix of smells from people on the train sometimes has been unbearable, making me wanting to jump off the train.  Instead I stand there and try to stiffle my disgust with people, trying to nonchalantly breath through my scarf.

Fatigue was the big one for me... I fell asleep on the sofa at about 8pm every night... 11 or 11:30 is closer to normal and I usually need at least 15-20 minutes after lights out to fall asleep.  I am pretty sure that I have never been so tired.  It wasn't unusual for me to do something random while half with it in the evenings... like putting my vitamins in the fridge. 

In terms of moodiness I think it has been pretty mild.  Sure, I cried when I spilt something once (it spilled because I was so tired I was uncoordinated), I might have teared up at tv shows, etc.  Most of that was in the 6-8 week range.  By week 10 I was feeling pretty good.  Overall I think that I have been feeling more mellow than usual.  I am not letting things on to do lists bother me, I am going with the flow much more than normal.  I am happy and content.  Oh and certain songs on my running playlist make me kind of weepy when I think about adding them to the birth playlist.

The only thing I have developed a food aversion for is coffee.  Just don't like it at all.  Hoping that changes after the baby is born as I loooove good coffee.  The cravings have also been pretty mellow.  The only things that I have felt like I have-to-have are apple juice which changed to orange juice and fruit. 

Pretty early on (maybe 7 weeks?) I started waking up at 4:30am to go to the bathroom, every couple of weeks it gets earlier.  And I always need to get a drink of OJ before going back to bed.  No problems falling back asleep.

I have been trying to maintain a workout schedule.  It was hard in November.  That was my most exhausted time but I did the elliptical machines and lifted.  After NYC I went for a run with Dan and it was terrible... I didn't have enough energy.  I decided to give running a try again late November and finally hit my stride.  Omg did it feel good.  That little three mile run felt like such an accompliment.  Granted, I went from an "easy run" pace of 7.2 mph to 6.0 mph but it really feels great.  I am hoping to keep running, at whatever pace I can sustain, as long as possible.  After a run I feel strong and my head feels clear.  I want to keep my lifestyle one of being fit and healthy during and after pregnancy.

Oh and we have decided to wait until birth to find out the baby's gender.  I think it will be so fun to have that be part of the big arrival announcement.  Before getting pregnant I would never have thought I would do that... I usually want to know such big things as soon as possible for planning of course.  But  I am really excited about waiting.  Maybe being pregnant is bringing out the secretive side of me.  And they have the rest of their life to wear pink and blue... bring on the green and gray!

In the last couple of weeks Eddie has started to get extra protective.  When I take them out by myself he stares down and acts kind of aggressive with every single dog regardless of how tiny they are that comes in our general vicinity.  He rarely ever starts that kind of behavior unless provoked.  He has always been protective of me so I assume that this is his reaction to the pregnancy.  Shelby has been slightly more needy... but that is okay as I will take all the beagle snuggles I can get.

Other first trimester milestones/moments...  Bought first pregnancy books (Mayo Clinic's week by week and a pregnancy diet focused cook book) at week 11.  We signed a lease for a 3 bedroom townhouse to have enough room for this kiddo in week 12.  Also in week 12, I bought the first item for the baby - a watercolor painting to go in the nursery.  It is of sprouts.  We also booked a babymoon vacation to Belize.  I have gained four pounds. 

{13 weeks - "good luck trying to hide that at work"}

Overall, I am surprised with how at ease I am about being pregnant.  I thought I would be a bundle of nerves.  But I feel patient and calm.  I am excited about getting a real baby bump and amazed that there is a little person growing inside me (I know it isn't a new concept but something about it actually happening is crazy).

So I think that is it for the first trimester thoughts and musings.


our growing family

Our family is growing.  Come July we will be adding a little person to our family.  We are over the moon excited.

At this same time last year I knew that this would be our last year as a family of two people and two dogs.  I didn't know when (of course) as we had a lot to figure out in regards to getting ready for beginning this journey.  (Always the planner.)  There were lots of conversations to be had on long roadtrips.

At the end of October I did a pregnancy test after work and before going to get a haircut.  And another one a few days later to double check.  But it took a while for me to be certain that this was actually going to happen.  That this baby will stick.  All of our conversations on the topic included "if this baby sticks..." Thus came my current nickname from Dan of Sticky Bake Oven. 

This baby did indeed stick and is estimated to join our family July 7th.

{and if anyone that is friends with me on facebook reads this- please don't mention it there yet!  telling the boss next week!}

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