Entries in music (5)


Rockin out to old school

This past Saturday Dan and I made the trip all the way out to the middle of no where in the suburbs to rock out to Def Leppard. And it was well worth the drive! It was an amazing show and a ton of fun. Oh and the people watching wasn't bad either. My personal favorite were the suburban soccer moms that were letting loose for the evening! On the way back to the city we couldn't help but discuss how some bands can really stand up to time and others are completely forgettable after a few months. There were people of all ages (from 5 years to 25 years to 65 years) rocking out to songs like Hysteria, Pour Some Sugar on Me, etc.

The stop at Portillos on the way home was pretty memorable too... I do love hot dogs and fries!


Dan and Tara at Lolla Day 3

Dan and Tara at Lolla Day 3
Originally uploaded by tarakay827.
You can see that we are starting to look a little peaked but we were still going strong! I am just waiting for next year now. I am going to have to start preparing Dan now... And next year we are doing it right- all three days open to close! ha ha


Waiting for the Chili Peppers

Waiting for the Chili Peppers
Originally uploaded by tarakay827.
As you can see- there was quite the crowd... there was a steady stream of people for about an hour leading up to the chili peppers- it was like marching ants! I heard that the condo buildings in the background complained- but seriously- it couldn't be that horrible to have the chili peppers streaming live into your place... and it ended at 9:45pm- that is too horrible.


Lollapalooza'd Out

So this past weekend Dan and I pretended to be hip by attending Lollapalooza. It was a ton of fun even if we did do the lazy way of only attending the evenings- we aren't quite hard-core enough to pack it up to be down there all day long. And I am sure the dogs would not have appreciated that anyways! We still managed to see most of the bands that I wanted to see- of course the Chili Peppers put on a good show but I thought that Manu Chao was the surprisingly good band for me- they had a nice beat and where really fun to dance to. I also really enjoyed Death Cab for Cutie.

But beyond the bands- people watching was by far the most entertainment of the event. Yes, we tend to get a little sheltered in our daily world and so it is always fun to see such a diverse crowd chillin together. I could deal with a little less smoking though- don't people know that smoking will kill you?

And yes, in this picture we were goobs and forgot to not look at the screen but at the camera lens! We are still working on our digital camera use... and man were we beat after those 3 days of excitement- good thing we only went half days- I don't think that Dan would have made it through all three days otherwise! So I think that we are done with music events events for a little a while- or at least until we save up a bit more cash after we spend it all on our approaching Big Grown Up Vacation.


Bon Jovi Rocks!

We saw Bon Jovi in concert at Soldier Field on July 21st and it was awesome! There were over 65,000 people there screaming and singing along. That guy has so much energy it made me tired just watching him! It really was quite the show and absolutely entertaining. I can't rave enough- I have always loved Bon Jovi and it was just amazing to see him in concert. Just a completely fun evening- a little of his classic 80's rock and a little of the current releases... Definitely a good show!