Entries in vacation (56)


Day 6: Pearl Harbor

Pearl Harbor
Originally uploaded by tarakay827.
That brings us to our final day in Oahu and our visit to Pearl Harbor. It was an incredibly sombering experience. I was incredibly touched by seeing this in person.


Day 5: Catamaran Sail

Catamaran Sail
Originally uploaded by tarakay827.
As the sun was setting we even got to see whales! There were quite a few off them coming up for air and flipping their tales out of the water. It was a very cool experience.


Day 5: Catamaran Sail

Catamaran Sail
Originally uploaded by tarakay827.
For Dan's birthday we celebrated with a catamaran sail & snorkeling. It was just an incredible time. I love sailing and how can you beat sailing in the pacific off the shores of Hawaii.


Someone can't disconnect...

Someone can't disconnect...
Originally uploaded by tarakay827.
And yes, as we stopped for a breather- Dan felt that he couldn't let go of his smartphone...


Day 5: Maunawili Falls

Maunawili Falls
Originally uploaded by tarakay827.
And we finally found it and were not disappointed. And I was also not disappointed when Dan entertained me with slipping and falling into the stream!


Day 5: Hiking Maunawili Trail in Ko'olau Mountain Range

Day 5 we continued the hunt for a waterfall and hiked the Maunawili Trail. We had no idea what we were getting into! It was often a very narrow little muddy path and we were completely in the Ko'olau Mountain Range. The little description we had from a book said 3 miles but didn't indicate whether that was one way or roundtrip so we were constantly wondering if we continued on a different branch of the trail and missed the waterfall. But once again- there were just incredible views... and the hiking was quite the workout.


Day 4: Secluded beach at portlock

Secluded beach at portlock
Originally uploaded by tarakay827.
All of the driving and snorkeling wore us out... so we napped on a little secluded beach in the portlock area. Completely quiet...