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Pro Shutter Bugs

Being as interested in photography as we are, we decided that "snap shots" aren't cutting it anymore and it was time to grow up a little.  Tara found a Photography class at North Central College which covered everything from aperture setting to lighting.  The only drawback was a manual SLR camera was needed.  We decided to borrow my Dad's Minolta 35mm manual SLR, but the time between taking the picture and seeing the result was too long for two very digital and tech-savvy people. We settled on the Canon Rebel XSi, because it is the new 12.2 MP DSLR from Canon.  It uses all the lenses the professional ones can use, has a max ISO of 1600, along with a shutter speed of up to 1/6000 of a second!!!  In other words, a great camera for the amateur to mid level professional.

The above pictures were us practicing on depth of field.  The main focus of the class was to learn how to fully control the shot, meaning to use the full manual setting, not the automatic setting.  We learned a lot and can't wait for the weather to improve so we can get some practice to hone our skills.  Expect to see even more photos in the near future!

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