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Last Days at the Hoyne Apartment

Three years ago we decided that the tiny first floor two bedroom on Hoyne Street was "good enough for now" and moved in expecting to only be there a year.  A year later we were itching to move out and were just not finding a place that was worth moving for when our landlord offered the second floor unit for the same price of our first floor... we did not like the building or the location but it was bigger and the move would be easy.  Good enough.  A year later, again itching to move to a more convenient for commuting location and bigger place, we opted to stay just one more year.  So here we are - three years of being in the Hoyne apartment and definitely ready to move on.

It is always a funny feeling to leave an apartment.  Regardless of how issue-plagued it might have been (the Hoyne apartment was filled with issues and annoyances- we'll save those stories for another day) it was still home.  We had a lot of good times in that apartment building.  From hosting our first dinner party, marathon training, a just us thanksgiving, many game nights, planting our first garden, birthday gatherings, and simply everyday kind of moments - a lot of memories will have the Hoyne apartment as the setting.

But we could be happier about moving.  On to the next chapter.

Oh yeah and it took 6 rolls of packing tape, a bazillion boxes, and four movers to get us out of the Hoyne apartment.  A little different from the days we moved by loading up the car.

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