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Itty Bitty Milestones

These week I left my street photography class feeling completely discouraged.  I even told Dan we should just return my camera.  But then two little tiny events happened that have me feeling much more encouraged about this whole photography hobby.

First, I had an image licensed for the first time.  Some advertising agency licensed one of my photos through Getty.  And I learned just how little the photographer makes through this channel.  But it was kind of exciting. There is a small bit of $ for it- we just will want to avoid thinking about quantifiable, hard dollar ROI calculations at this point as that would be depressing... :)

And then I had one of my street photos selected to be the Daily Photo on the homepage of WBEZ.  This I was pretty excited about.  True, the progressive ad gets prime space but my photo is still above the fold!

 So I am still not sure what exactly I am working towards with this photography hobby (ahem, obsession).  But I guess that I won't return my camera.  Even if it doesn't turn into anything other than a hard drive filled with images that I like, it is a fun hobby... though it is really fun to see someone else enjoy the images too.

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