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In The Garden

We are quite pleased with our tiny stock of canned tomatoes, salsa, and peppers.  It has been so much fun to add this activity to the mix.  It has also been fun to see how proud Dan gets of his jalapeno pepper plants... we have more than enough peppers for two people!


When I was canning my measly three jars of crushed tomatoes a couple of Sundays ago, I couldn't help but remember the massive amounts of canning we would do with my mom every summer when I was growing up.  What a trooper my mom was directing three kids to help her through all the steps of canning jars upon jars of marinara sauce with no air conditioning in our small farm house kitchen!  And we weren't exactly all calm or quiet.

I am finding canning to be a fairly relaxing, enjoyable experience.  This definitely something that we want to do more of in the future.


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