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32 weeks

I think we are officially in countdown range.  Eight weeks to due date seems like not a lot.

This week while we were sitting on the couch Dan was in a pestering mood and decided to talk to the baby, asking what it was doing in there in an "all business" voice.  He thought he was cute. (and of course was being cute)

We did our family photo session this week... picking out clothes for a photo session while pregnant was very high stress as I don't find most maternity clothes all that flattering for me.  But I am excited to have them and I am sure 10 years from now I will only think we look great. (still wondering if I made the right necklace selection)

I have been fortunate to not have a lot of the yucky side effects of pregnancy and up until recently  had been completely illness free.  A month ago I got a terrible head cold.  Then this week I got my first stomach bug in a very long time - at least it was only a 24 hour bug.  Still, my super-charged immune system has been serving me well.  Energy is still good during the day.  At work I was scurrying around for back to back meetings and a guy said "you are the fastest walking pregnant woman I have ever seen"... I haven't slowed down my pace during the day but by 7pm I am much slower.

The baby is still a big mover although our soccer player has turned into a master yogi.  On Thursday something clearly had the kid all wild as it was majorly partying in there all day starting at 6am.  During a very large meeting with a potential vendor it was kicking up a storm... it is hard to not be self conscious during those times with hoping that someone doesn't notice your belly contorting and being all mis-shapen.

But baby might have just had a sense that it was a big huge day. I got out of that meeting to quite the voicemail and email from Dan.  Life change news.  Big.  Huge.  We had already been seeing this summer as a chapter change in our lives.  But we didn't expect that it would be a two chapters kind of change.  I am confident (hoping) that this baby will be adaptable and able to roll with things from the get go.

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