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30 weeks

For some reason 30 weeks seems like a big deal.  We have moved out of the 20's and are in the final countdown.  10 weeks seems like both a long time and like nothing.  Right now I am feeling the 'it is nothing' aspect and freaking out a little bit about having so little ready for this baby.  I have to keep reminding Dan that June will be a really bad time for him to be off on a motorcycle weekend- his reply is that knowing me the baby won't be early but I wouldn't be so sure about that.

Dan has been quite funny lately with his comments about the pregnancy and baby- wish I could remember them.  The other morning I was being a slug about getting up and he came over and told the baby that it "better be getting ready to get out of there."  He has also taken up poking my belly button - sometimes this is funny and sometimes my belly button is feeling really sensitive so he gets his head bit off.  When we were checking out at the grocery store a woman at register next to us had her baby in a baby carrier and we both looked at each other with "that is going to be us soon."  And almost every day he looks at my belly and makes an "omg- seriously!" face... he thought it was huge at 20 weeks so it will be entertaining to see his expressions at 40 weeks.  He also had an 'omg' moment this week when adding a pair of cloth diapers to his amazon order.

I am so very glad that I did the Ravenswood race and that we did it together - it will be a nice memory for sure.  I am going to put serious effort into making prenatal yoga workouts a priority for these final months... I haven't been doing them as much as I planned. 

I might have had spaghetti cravings this week.  I was addicted to oreos and made a trip to Fox and Obel for the good chocolate.

I really hope that Chicago warms up so that I can stop having to button up coats that don't fit anymore... I refuse to buy a maternity jacket at this point.

Quotes from the DR visit: "You are doing a fabulous job with your weight gain." "Your blood pressure is perfect and consistent - no surprises there."  "Your baby is very responsive and active."

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