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27 weeks

I think I mention something about the baby's movement every other week, if not every week.  But I am going to comment on it again.  This week the baby has gotten noticeably stronger and is awake for much longer time periods - even when I am up walking and moving about.  Friday morning the kid was having crazy party time from when I woke up straight through till almost lunch time.  And I really mean crazy party time... It would also leave its feet sticking out (presumably after stretching?) so I had a hard lump on the bump unless I rubbed and pushed them back in.  We are going to have a crazy little monkey for sure.  Dan has been able to just randomly put his hand on the bump for a while and end up getting some kicks instead of me reactively telling him when it is moving about.  He also rested his head on the bump when the kid was having party time to see if he could hear the movements - he says he can...

At a wedding a woman asked me what I miss most from non-pregnancy days.  This question came after a week or two of feeling quite large and particularly frustrated with maternity clothes.  I thought about it for a while.  She asked about missing unpasteurized cheese (don't even think about it as there are plenty of pasteurized cheeses to select from), medicine (apparently she would miss advil... I don't regularly take any medicine or get headaches so nope), etc.  Dan misses his drinking buddy so that was his answer.  I miss figure flattering clothes and having a waist line.  That might be shallow but I could really go for wearing a fitted button down shirt and pencil skirt to work.  Or a dress with a defining waistline.  I have been seeing all kinds of really cute spring clothes for my normal shape and the plainest, unflattering crap for maternity garb... so even though I don't consider myself a clothes-hound or a super stylish person, I miss regular clothes.

I was also asked to share what crazy cravings I have been having by another guest at the wedding... people always look disappointed with my responses to these types of questions. 

Another wedding guest question was are we freaked out... nope.  I apparently need more drama in my pregnancy to keep people interested and entertained. ;)  I have no doubt that we have a lot of challenges ahead and that there will be trying times.  And of course there are going to be a lot of things to learn about caring for this little one.  But in a conversation about this question on the way home we both are decidedly not freaked out.  This could be attributed to having already been through some very difficult times together or having waited until we felt felt ready for this phase of our life.  It wasn't rushed, and I am confident that we are capable and ready.

On the usual pregnancy symptoms.  Still no cravings or aversions.  I am not having terrible back pain.  If I stop drinking water by 9pm I only have to get up once to go to the bathroom - still haven't needed a snack in the middle of the night.  Belly button is completely flush with the belly - I am guessing it will pop out by the end of this pregnancy.  Sleeping okay given our terrible mattress (we really need to replace it).  Still not extra moody nor having mood swings.  All in all - I feel pretty great.

The third trimester is kicking off.  And we are getting started on the to do list. 

Weekends for the next couple of months are going to be booked with things like refinishing the baby dresser, painting, picking out a car seat, hospital tours, stocking the freezer, etc.  And a few fun couple dates - the last before we have to deal with babysitters.  The third tri will definitely be busy.

Only 90 days till estimated due date!

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