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26 weeks

Hello baby bump!  I had a cashier at Walgreens call me a "little momma" this week.  On the flight back from Belize the flight attendent gave me one of the snack options when I almost cried after she said they didn't have sandwiches (we hadn't had a meal since breakfast due to Belize's airport not having a restaurant and the security lines at Dallas left us as the last couple of people boarding so no time to pick anything up- it was a long day).  Dan added the baby gear into budget.  The skin on my face got really splotchy from the sun instead of tanning, this has happened to a small degree every since our trip to Hawaii but it was on a whole new level this time - not a cool pregnancy side effect... a dermatologist appointment will be made after baby.  Otherwise, a quiet week as we approach the end of the second trimester. 

On non-baby-related topics - Dan and I just read the same book at the same time and are starting the second one (the Girl with the Dragon Tattoo books)... kind of like we are having our own little book club.  It is fun.  Shelby gave us a scare by having some back problems while we were on vacation - poor girl.  We finally tried the Cuban restaurant that is about a block away - it was super good and of course during the walk home we commented on how nice it is to have places so close to our door again.

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