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24 weeks


"Everything is perfect" according to the doctor at my appointment this week.  Baby kicked the doppler when they were doing the heartbeat.

Twice someone (women) have offered me a seat on the CTA.

The first couple of people (and only two thus far) that I don't work with and isn't a friend or family member noticed and commented on my pregnancy - the dental hygenist and the dog groomer.

Scheduled an appointment where we had to factor in Dan being home to watch the kiddo - umm, hello this is getting real.  ;)

Freaked out about weight gain and then did the math to figure out should be in healthy range... and then realized I will be way less than Jessica Simpson's 170 lbs (same height) for her pregnancy - not even going to pretend that didn't provide a little bit of relief.  And it also helped that the doctor said my "weight gain is perfect" - so no more worrying about that.

Non baby fun stuff this week - Dan made corned beef and cabbage (turned out super good) and D&L came over for St Patty's day dinner, made a walnut spice cake for Dan's birthday to celebrate early (to b accurate- doing that tomorrow), rented a lens, wore a dress without tights and no jacket in early March.

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