22 weeks
Over the past two weeks quite a few people at work have commented on how they hadn't noticed that I am pregnant or that you can't tell because I am so small. What!? Come on people, I might not have been the skinniest pre-pregnancy but I think there is quite a noticeable difference between now and what I looked like in October. And then there was the male coworker that kept obviously looking at my belly while we were talking... it was entertaining. Being pregnant is like getting to do a long term behavioral psychology experiment - people are funny. I tend to think that these comments come from people thinking of all pregnancies as that last couple of months where you are at your biggest instead of the gradual growth. And Dan was quite right in his response that no guy is going to comment unless they know you are pregnant on the chance that you have just gained weight... but those side glances aren't subtle!!!
I think that the baby must be gearing up for a growth spurt as we start the 22nd week. On Friday night after dinner with friends, where I could barely find room for half a burger, I was convinced that my belly had grown since Thursday, Dan also thought it was bigger. I am selfishly hoping that the growth spurts continue to be gradual over the next couple of weeks so my swimsuits still fit when we get to Belize!
One of the reasons that we have been keeping up this blog is so that we can turn it into a book someday to have a printed copy of some of the stories from these phases of our lives. And this week it occurred to me that the kiddo might read these pregnancy bits and get the impression that it has all been smooth sailing thus discounting the "I carried you for nine months!" statement that could come in handy. So I feel compelled to share some of the not totally awesome things like...
- I am losing my belly button. At first it was just getting shallow and now it is looking like it is going to pop out one of these weeks. Ugh.
- I burp like crazy and do not love that. I have surpassed Dan as the gassy one in our family. Not cool, baby.
- It is really freakin hard to not sleep on your back. Sometimes when I wake up and my hip hurts from sleeping on my side I have a silent temper tantrum for not being able to sleep on my back like I would really love to do. (Also, did not realize that I am such a back sleeper until I couldn't do it anymore.)
- Speaking of sleeping... I know that I won't get a full night of sleep after the little one is here so I could totally go for that now.
- Having to turn down a super yummy freshly made aioli for dipping fries - this is so good at Owen and Engine and I had to go with the freshly made ketchup with a sigh. And I had to be that person that ask for their burger to cooked to the point of little pink - of course I prefaced it with "I hate to do this but..."
- Not knowing if everything is going okay in there. I assume for the best but the slight chance of something bad happening can be stressful.
I still feel fantastic and am happy that this is all I can come up with for a list of grievances. We are 2/3rds through the second trimester and all is good.
Fun non-pregnancy stuff this week: dinner with friends, a progressive dinner with another group of friends, having 9 photos requested by Getty.
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