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The Last Walk In The Park

Since the dogs are pretty depressed about the move we indulged them today with a final walk through Lincoln Park. We thought what better area to start with than our first stomping grounds, the Gold Coast.

The dogs started whining as we drove through the Lincoln Park neighborhood... they miss Oz Park. Once we started walking by North Ave we decided that we would walk by the beach if they remembered their trick of darting to the tunnel as we walk past... they remembered.

We love to walk by the lake...

The park is gorgeous this time of year as every thing is green and so many trees are blooming... it is truly one of my favorite times of the year in Chicago.

The dogs were on the prowl for squirrels. Fortunately for Dan {unfortunately for the pups} there were no squirrels to be found for chasing.

It was a gorgeous day for our last walk through Lincoln Park. Ok, so maybe that is a little dramatic... I am sure that we will do walks through the park again but with how busy our summer is it will probably be a while before we bring the dogs in to visit their favorite spot for a while. We felt a little nostalgic as we thought about not living with this as our backyard anymore. Hopefully the suburb parks will be a nice substitute for the pups.

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