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Being Thankful

I have always enjoyed thanksgiving... how can you not love a 4 day weekend that doesn't use up precious vacation days. And of the traditional "family holidays" thanksgiving has always been the most relaxing. No gift-giving to induce stress- just hanging out and eating.

This year for thanksgiving Dan and I hosted for the very first time. We have cooked holiday dinners for ourselves before but we haven't had the opportunity to entertain at our place. So it was a lot of fun for us to be able to host Dan's parents for the holiday. It was also fun to create the menu from a collection of recipes that we have from our families along with one that we have aquired together.

So I am thankful that we over the past year we have been able to move into a 2 bedroom apartment that is large enough to have guest, have been able to have a dining room table, have been able to set up our guestroom, and have been able to add seating for more than 2. And of course I am thankful for health, family, friends, good puppies, and the internet.

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