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Wedding Brain

Who knew that there were so many details involved in a wedding. In doing research for our wedding I have happened upon an entire world of wedding blogs and forums. It is truly amazing how many ladies out there are blogging about weddings. Some of them are of course by people "in the business" but many of them are simply girls that blog about all of the ideas and things that they are doing to plan their own wedding. It is through these blogs that I just learned that to have a truly cohesive look I need to pick the fonts that we will use for everything printed as well as for the wedding website. Ugh. This is how I also learned that there is an enormous number of fonts out there and many of those scrolly styles look pretty much the same to my untrained eye. So I spent several hours last night looking at fonts and their corresponding ornaments. Which brings me to the point of this post's title. I believe it was on a Sex and The City episode where they referred to "Mom Brain" and I now know that there is most definitely "Wedding Brain."

(here is a nice little post about "Mom Brain" and a corresponding forum dedicated to those suffering from it: http://www.coshoctontribune.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20070912/BLOGS04/70912015)

In people's quest to have a "unique, personal, individual" wedding that "represents them as individuals and as a couple" there is a serious amount details to plan. And it can become very consuming, very addictive, and provides a whole lot of knowledge that may or may not be useful. Do I really need to know about how to find, pick, and download the best fonts? Do I really need to know the difference between all the various ways paper can be printed? I am not sure if in the end all the hours spent will make the day any more fabulous but I do know that all those hours spent on the computer researching minutia detail such as fonts could be spent as quality time as a couple or even working on my graduate classes... So I just have to keep the wedding planning in balance and not succomb to wedding brain. Or stop working. But I am sure Dan would not agree that wedding planning trumps getting a paycheck!

In case you are interested here is one of the queen of wedding brain blogs: http://www.weddingbee.com/

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