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Dan's Track Day

Dan in Race Suit RESIZED
Originally uploaded by durban97.

Back at the track!!! Wow has it been too long! I did a free half day with NESBA which allowed me to do a few sessions of 20 minutes each at the track. Autobahn is a 1.7 miles track in Joliet, about 50 miles south of the city. I arrived there with Andy at 7ish and after registering, signing the waiver and finding a crap load of people I knew, we race prepped our bikes. Since we are in the beginner group, we only had to tape our lights and signals, and I removed my mirrors, since I could.

It was amazing! Tons of people were there to test their skills, and hone them. The first session was a tad slow, since we were unfamilar with the track, but the second time out, it was different. Everything felt so smooth and comfortable, thus I went faster than I have ever done before. I had a renewed appreciation for how fast and powerful this new RR is! Keeping it in third gear for most of the track allowed me a ton of power while working more on my body position and my ever improving race line. The morning was great, but after lunch we were done and headed back home.

I can't wait till next time, its a lot of fun and leaps and bounds ahead of the street in terms of safety. Having two sets of Paramedics ready, just in case, is a huge relief. No oil slicks, no cars cutting you off. Just open road with unlimited potential....

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