Entries in creating a home (9)


The Garden is Growing!

Our little urban garden is growing more and more every day.  Somedays we come home from work and you can immediately tell the development for the day... either a new set of seeds have popped up or a flower has emerged or they just look taller.  Even our landlord commented on how fast everything is growing.

I was not the most particular gardener as I just scattered the seeds :) so you won't find rows but there are very healthy looking veggie plants.  We have added one sprinkling of coffee grounds for fertilizer/nitrogen a few weeks ago and will add another one soon.

Thus far, this has been a very fun project for us.  The dogs love it as it means that they get to spend afternoons hanging out in the backyard.  And I have a new appreciation for rainy days as since we don't have a hose hookup watering is not the most convenient.  Hopefully we end up with a bit of produce after all of the work of building and planting. 


The afternoon we built a garden...

18 pieces of free scrap wood. 54 screws. 2 trips to Home Depot. 5 bags of dirt + 1 bag of spagnum peat moss + 2 bags of container soil.  16 baby plants.  2 pieces of lattice. 1 shovel. Lots of seeds.

We are pretty excited about this little garden.  It is quite the step up from our herb container garden last year.  Hopeful our garden grows well as we have lots of plans for all the produce!

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