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Rain + Teething = Afternoon Fort Building

A rainy Sunday in May we started to get a little antsy in our small apartment with a teething little.  We have all become acustom to getting out and exploring. But staying in and in our pjs was pretty appealing to the grown ups. 

After every toy and game had been exhausted, it was time for a new trick.  So we built a fort.  Now, it was totally on the fly and I am clearly not stocking my closets with the same creature comforts as those sharing their fort building on pinterest... but a ten month old doesn't care. 

A white sheet and the couple of chairs that we own did the trick.

He thought it was the bee's knees.

 We had fun under our little fort.  We built towers and knocked them down. Attacked Dad.  Raise the roof...

And after the fort was put away for the day and we had a wardrobe change due the massive amounts of drool, we tried to get a picture of Jaime standing by himself.  But he did not want to show off for the camera.

It was a fun, lazy Sunday.

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