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Mother's Day and Japan Day Race

My first mother's day was spent running a race, strolling through the Conservatory in Central Park, having the boys clean the house (let's be honest right away, that is every Sunday) and getting lots of hugs.

For mother's day we had beautiful weather, which I appreciated even more since I had a race.  We headed to the usual starting spot over by the Mall and while I zipped around the park Dan and Jaime hung out.

I almost bailed on this race.  I just did not feeling like running a race that morning.  Laying around being lazy and sipping coffee was sounding nice.  But of course I am glad I ran it.  It was a perfect morning for a race - 57 degrees, mostly cloudy, light breeze.  I had a very good run with a respectable time and was one race closer to guaranteed marathon entry.

Then we headed home for a nap and shower and then back out for the long walk to the Conservatory.

Jaime was giving these awesome hugs at this time, he would give you the biggest squeeze that he could and squish his face right into your cheek. It was so sweet.

On the way home we stopped by a playground for little bit...

And then after the long walk home we were totally done.  Jaime goofed around and kept us smiling.

Jaime helped with the cleaning... he loves to vacuum.

And then it was time to get ready for the next day.  It was a perfectly lovely little mother's day.

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