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Daycare Days

After getting back from our Midwest Tour Jaime started daycare.  We were all a little thrown off by this transition.

I missed my extra hour of one on one time with James.  Dan had to figure out how to juggle the drop off and work through the crying that would happen.  James was most likely thinking what the hell is going on and why am I getting left here.

It was a rough transition.  He went from sleeping and eating great and being all around super easy to waking up multiple times a night, having a rough time at the end of the day from not napping and residual emotions about the change, not eating anything a second time, and getting sick.  It was seriously rough and on a daily basis I was ready to pull him out and find a nanny.

After labor day they transitioned him to the early toddler room (which wasn't available for the summer months) and things immediately changed for the better.  He was totally happy and excited to go and everything was right in his world again.  Apparently the baby room was just his version of hell.

He would bring me his shoes to put on and grab his lunch bag and walk out the door with Dad just as happy as could be in the mornings.  He brought home artwork and made buddies. 

He still kept getting sick constantly. I still missed my one on one morning time with him. But it was fun to see him so excited about going.  I think that this kid will love pre-school.

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