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Children's Museum of the Arts

The first Sunday in February we all bundled up after the morning nap and headed to Soho to go to the kiddo art museum.  It is this really awesome place that is all about getting kids creating and making and exploring the arts.  They have interactive stations for a variety of ages but pre-school through lower elementary is the target age.  So I had put this on my list for much later in our stay in Manhattan.  But the need for something to do that is inside and Chinese New Year festival brought it up the list.

Before heading into kidland we stopped for lunch at a neat little spot across the street.  The waitress complimented Jaime's sweater and then when I said it was his dad's she didn't get it and thought I was nuts.  Jaime thinks it is pretty awesome when we go out to eat.

Then we headed into the museum.  I have never been surrounded by so many little kids and it was pretty intense when you first get there.  You had to be careful when you walked or you might step on one (seriously - I almost stepped on a kid).  But once past the entry things became easier as the kids were a bit more dispersed.  We found some different things for Jaime to play with and he thought it was pretty cool.

We played with big huge blocks.

We played with playdough.

And then it had been a couple of hours and we were all ready for a nap.  It was fun and when Jaime is a little older we will head back.

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