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Jaime's First Flight & A Short Trip to Chicago

Jaime went on his very first flight on August 17th, the 6am flight.  We were up way to early.  I think my alarm was set for 2:30am... it takes a while to get a slow moving mama and 6 week old out the door and then there is the security lines to think about. 

Jaime was as calm and peaceful as a church mouse on his first flight.  I have read a million times to feed him during takeoff so that his ears don't hurt from the pressure change.  Well, I started too soon and he was done by the time we took off but he went to sleep and started rustling again once we were about to land. 

The people that day just loved Jaime.  Every time we were in the airport there was a chorus of "did you see that adorable baby" from all sides of me.  Some people would actually talk to me but other would just comment and do the "awww" as they walked by.  Leaving Newark some older guy said I was the "picture of motherhood" and told me about his grandkid.  Lots of older women had to stop and see Jaime.  Leaving Chicago I placed a passed out Jaime on a bench just after security so I could put the wrap back on and some dude said how cute he was and how he was travelling back home from a work trip and had a baby just a few months older... it is funny how much people talk to you when you have a baby strapped to you.

Anyways, so in Chicago our first agenda item was my doctor appointment.  So after the flight we took then orange line into the city then transfered to the red line and then walked the last blocks to get there.  I got the stamp of good health and then headed to the small park across the street to nurse Jaime and change his diaper... he had his first blow out so good thing I brought extra clothes. 

We walked down Michigan Avenue to City Hall.  The little bug was wide awake for about half of the walk, taking in the sites from the city where he was born.  We took a few photos at the City Hall exhibit and then headed to my office. 

I am not going to lie... it was really fun to show off Jaime with people that I know.  It was also really weird to be showing off the baby with the CEO and my boss and direct reports when I wasn't sure if I would be coming back due to our move.  But I am glad that I got to see them. 

Then we walked back to Michigan Ave to meet up with small d for lunch... and talk babies, working motherhood, and all of that good stuff. We snuck in a quick photo at the Bean on the way over to her office.  Jaime was starting to get fussy as he was getting hungry so I was a little nervous the whole time hoping that I wouldn't have a baby melting down with all of the business people lunching around us.  After lunch we headed to Millenium Park so Jaime could have his lunch and get a fresh diaper. 

On the Orange line back to Midway the little bug was wide eyed staring at all of the buildings out of the el.  

As we waited to board our flight Jaime started to get really fussy... as in waaaaah!  So I got to experience being the mom boarding a flight with a crying baby and feeling everyone's thoughts of "please don't sit near me" and"great, this flight will now suck."  He was just hungry and tired... After I could finally get in a seat and situated I fed him and he calmed right down not making another peep until we were home.  The older guy in the row behind was very nice and offered to help adjust the fan for me and when we left wanted to help get my bag on my shoulder (my bag was super freaking heavy- good thing I didn't take the big camera). 

Dan was there waiting for us when we landed and we zipped home.  It was so weird to fly into Chicago for the day.  I used to do trips like that for client meetings years ago but it has been along time.  It was also a big day for such a young baby but Jaime was a trooper.  I look forward to taking Jaime to Chicago when he will old enough to remember the trip and showing him all of our favorite spots.

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